While it’s difficult to predict what the growing season holds, it’s important to approach each one with a mindset of maximizing yields and profits. This is especially key during challenging years when every bushel counts.
Looking ahead to the summer months, researchers at The Ohio State University predict diseases such as frogeye leaf spot in soybeans, gray leaf spot, Northern corn leaf blight and tar spot (a more recent disease occurrence in Ohio) have potential to be problematic in 2019. Many growers know that to stay ahead of disease, insect and weed infestations, one must scout and use timely applications of a crop protection product. Many may not be aware of the benefits that foliar feeding our crops can add to the mix.
PCT | Sunrise® FolrFeed® products are a critical part of filling in nutrition gaps left by traditional fertilizers. They stimulate growth and overall plant health so crops can better tolerate stress from weather, diseases and other yield challenging environments. To experience the best results, foliar feed applications should be applied during the V4-V7 stages in corn and V3-V5 in soybeans. Most can be tank mixed with a post-emergence herbicide or other crop protection products for application efficiency.
PCT | Sunrise® offers several custom options as part of the FolrFeed® and NutraBurst® lineup. Here’s a quick look at the top three to fuel yield potential and healthy plants this season:
This is a must have for late-planted soybeans, since beans planted after April grow faster due to warmer temperatures. Plants that grow too quickly may not be able to take in the nutrients needed to combat stress and diseases. Soy Foliar LITE fuels development and disease resistance with a mix of N-P-K, boron, manganese, growth promoters and sugars. This formula reduces lodging, supports nodule development, plant branching and flower retention, while stimulating the plant’s immune system.
Growers who use glyphosate for post applications on soybeans should consider NutraBurst® Manganese 5%. Manganese is important for photosynthesis and strong vegetative development. Since glyphosate has the potential to tie up manganese in plants, a foliar feed of this type can help offset potential deficiencies.
ZAMBI is a mix of zinc, manganese and boron, with added plant growth regulators, in all promotes kernel-row development on ears and is critical for developing strong roots. This is worth considering for growers who may not have used zinc in their starter fertilizer or through commercial seed treatment.
Have a specific question about an issue or product? Contact a member of our agronomy team for help.
By Mike Cook, Agronomy Solutions Advisor
Late Season Diseases of SoybeansIdentification:
Cut the soybean stem in half to determine if the plant has Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS), because it can be confused with Brown Stem Rot (BSR). As the fungus colonizes the roots it produces a toxin that is translocated to the leaves which causes the typical interveinal leaf symptoms. The fungus overwinters by producing survival structures known as chlamydospores, which can survive in fields for years. Plant infection usually occurs between germination and the V3-V4 growth stage.
Also, SDS can have blue/green fungal growth beneath the soil on the roots when soil moisture is adequate.
ILeVO seed treatment helps suppress SDS infection in early growth stages. It’s not a “silver bullet,” but can certainly reduce the disease incidence. ILeVO has nematocidal properties, which aids in the prevention of Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN). In Ohio, fields with SDS can also have measurable levels of SCN in the same field. Pressures from SCN root feeding further weaken plants, making them more vulnerable to attack from other pathogens like SDS. Fusarium fungal spores have been found on and in SCN cysts, meaning this disease can be transported as cysts move and attack plant roots.
“Cultural” practices to reduce SDS incidence could include: choosingsoybean varieties with a strong SDS and SCN field tolerance, crop rotation, reduce soil compaction or later plantings. Planting early to maximize yield usually means placing seed into cold, wet, no-till soils which compounds disease infections.
Why this year?
May growers experienced good planting conditions, where soils were dry and warm, yet still have severe SDS pressure. Some reasons behind this could be:
Brown Stem Rot is caused by the soilborne fungus Phialophora gregata (P. gregata). There are two distinct types (or genotypes) denoted Type A and Type B. Type A is the more aggressive strain and causes more internal damage and plant defoliation than Type B. P. gregataType A also is associated with higher yield loss.
Several factors can influence BSR severity. Research from the University of Wisconsin has shown that the incidence and severity of BSR is greatest in soils with low levels of phosphorus and potassium, and a soil pH below 6.3. In addition, P. gregataand soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) frequently occur in fields together and there is evidence that BSR is more severe in the presence of this nematode. (information courtesy of the University of Wisconsin)
Brown lesions surrounded by a distinct yellow halo is characteristic of Bacterial Blight disease. The disease overwinters in infected crop residue and on infected seed. The bacteria enters the plant through stomatal openings which are tiny pores used for gas exchange and found mostly on the under surface of the pant, but more easily through a wound in the leaf surface. Hail, sandblasting and insect feeding are more likely to be entry spots.
Yield impact is typically minimal unless infection is severe enough to cause leaf loss.
Keep in mind, Bacterial Pustule and Septoria Brown Spot look similar.
Phomopsis seed decay and pod and stem blight are two of the diseases that make up the Phomopsis and Diaporthe complex. As with all diseases of crops, when you combine a favorable environment with a susceptible crop host and a source, the complex can manifest itself impacting crop yield.
This complex is seed borne as well as in residue. This causes premature death of plants and reduces seed quality. In 2016, this disease caused significant yield loss up to 35-40% in soybeans plus reduced market value to the farmer from damaged seeds.
Foliar fungicides applied at R2 – R3 in two passes can help reduce the disease.
Information Compiled by: Brian Mitchem, PCT | Sunrise® Research Agronomist