Is Your Corn Experiencing Rapid Growth and You’re Wondering About Your Herbicide Options?

Is Your Corn Experiencing Rapid Growth and You’re Wondering About Your Herbicide Options?

The 2023 corn crop has finally began the “rapid growth” stage across Ohio and many growers are asking about what their herbicide options are with varying growth stages and heights within fields. Listen in this week as we revisit this very topic from last growing season.

PCT Shorts: Staging Corn in Varying Growing Conditions

Today’s PCT Short covers staging your corn in varying growing conditions when staging based on leaf growth may not be accurate.


JJ in the Field: Is Your Corn Outgrowing Your Herbicide? Do You Know Your Corn’s Growth Stage?

Rapid corn growth, varying plant size across fields make it very challenging to make “on-label” herbicide applications. Tune in as we talk about some popular corn herbicides and associated label “cut-offs” and use rates.